New Start

January is a great month for new beginnings. For me, it not only kick starts the new year and but my birthday is also in the latter part of the month. So far, I’ve cleaned up and got rid of furniture and excess stuff in my place. It’s given me greater peace of mind having a cleaner and more simple living environment-not to mention I got less cleaning and stuff to do. I’ve also cut my own hair. It took me two tries but I’m very happy with the outcome. It beats going to a hair salon, which I find uncomfortable; and I don’t have to worry about what to do with my toddler. I started cutting my own hair a few months ago and I don’t think I’ll go back to a hair salon ever again. It’s not perfect but the benefits outweigh the shortcomings, and with practice it’ll only get better. I also started this blog project, which I’m excited about and hope it brings much goodness into my life. Spring is also a good time to start things. So I think the cleaning up and starting up is a process that continues, especially from now through Spring.